Taking Istanbul Airport Taxis from the airport into the city
From the Istanbul Airport you will definitely want to catch an Istanbul Airport taxi to the City Center. However, you should be forewarned about the taxi frauds that are commonplace in the Turkish Capital. Rather than wish you had read about these in advance it is prudent to learn everything about them prior to entering the country.
What mostly happens is that in case you give the Istanbul airport taxi drivers a Lira note, perhaps a 50 note, the drivers can skillfully replace the note with a 5 Lira note, since they are about the same color, while fuming that you had made an error. For most first timers, they will naturally doubt themselves, take the small note back and replace it with another 50 without knowing what has transpired. Most people have thus ended up paying more Liras, mostly 45 more, equivalent to 30 dollars or 22 English Pounds.
As such you should never trust them too much and you should always double-check the amount prior to handing it to your taxi driver. Since the distance has the drivers ignoring the meter for most of the time, be concerned and ask your driver to make good use of the taximeter. Drivers will cheat you at the earliest opportunity and thus prior to taking an Istanbul Airport taxi to the City Center you should get a map so that they don’t make a short distance a very long one just for you to pay more.
If you can, make sure you understand some Turkish as most of them hardly speak any English. Always avoid asking for your driver’s advice since it is always a risk in Istanbul. To avoid unpleasantness just let your hotel arrange an Istanbul Airport taxi for you to the Istanbul central area and give you someone to hold liable and to complain to once the service provided is not as wished. That said, most taxi drivers in Istanbul are honest but you must always be vigilant.
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